Friday, May 14, 2010

D&V Creations, 60L sale, 15/16 May

D&V Creations brings you the "Home office collection" for the 60L sale this weekend. Not only is it made with Veronica's ever present attention to detail, but it has lots of great features. The desk, chair, and book case are made from a lovely, medium color, grain wood, slightly shiny to show the careful polish you give it every day. *smiles* The chair has three animated poses, boardroom, study, and typing...and also has a yummy purple cushion to make your booty comfy. The desk comes with a pencil holder, map, and magnifying glass, with plenty of room for your computer and plant. The book case has a lot of books to show you work hard, but also plenty of room for more to show your constant thirst for knowledge. It comes with a nice little plant to give you fresh air as well as a bit of the out doors, and a trash can for looks, I mean we know you never make mistakes that require a trash

One of my favorite things about this set is the working computer. Just click it to turn it on, then check out the great features it has. Browse the net, email friends, I mean business associates if you are supposed to be working. *winks* You can even use the calculator feature when you get stuck on those hard math problems. Just don't forget to turn it off when you're done, wouldn't want snoops checking your email while you are I love this whole set, and can't believe Veronica is selling it for just 60L...gotta love D&V Creations. Don't miss it!

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